Sunday, September 7, 2008
Heartless Heart
If my life has had its share of Lightning and Thunder.
Everytime things tend to fall together,
Theres a force that, over and over leaves a crater..
So many craters, So much Hollow Space,
My search continues.. Is there a Safer place??
The way this heart works is quite funny,
Funny I say, because that’s life biggest irony.
You give your heart to friends as a token
But in the end its left totally broken.
Your hopes, your dreams, everything gets shattered,
With no one in real around you, your life's battered.
In return of a Piece, you get pieces; lost and fallen in time.
There are so many culprits god, but this must be the biggest crime!
Now left to reflect over whats transpired;
All these fights & arguments have left me tired,
Never thought that- to your best friends you cant complain,
Somehow my love and care, don’t eclipse the amount I give pain.
But the pain is here more, that you wont know.
Bcoz i stop there, and you dont look back; Just Go!
Its not my mistake that i cant move on; forget you..
But yeah to your credit that you have; and I know its true
Practical you were, I knew it, So how do I blame you?
But tell me, was it always only bad that i did to you?
This formal informal game continues like ever before,
But I dont have the patience to take it anymore.
Whats good to you, is just “formal” to me;
And maybe I don’t deserve any good, but this is too bad for me.
I did a mistake, the damage may be done,
And I cant turn back time, neither can I run.
I said what I could & you don’t but I know I care,
In the end all this confusion is certainly not fair.
But you must move on, as I’m stuck here
with a hope that you find that place for me again there
as people like you are a countless few,
so I hope you get e’thing in life that’s made for you.
As I look back to pick up the fallen pieces, answer a question;
Is the Broken Heart or the Heartless better???
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Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Tendulkar is the Best!!!

Found this on CricInfo.... really fantastic compilation by Ananth Narayanan.. Great Job Sir..
It establishes Sachin as the best batsmen ever...Do have a look. Its very well done and credible..
Link: Sachin Leads!
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Saturday, August 30, 2008
The things flow on,our eyes always twinkle..
We look at the past,the Pros & Cons,
All in all cant let bygones be bygones..
How much I wish-all would be smooth,
Why,shall I, need anyone to soothe???
We tend to,mates, complicate our lives,
Then we let,Sadness, like a parasite to thrive..
How much I wish-you were here..
Those moments of joy,that loving care..
We let go of those who love us the most,
Rest all life,that stares at us like a ghost..
How much I wish-I could control all,
Would always fly high,and never fall..
Since we ignore those,who deserved to be paid heed..
Fingers are too Few to count on,when someone we need!!!
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Letting Go
And take the road of friend;
Can you reroute the course you have taken
And start over once again?
I don't really want to let you go
But inside me I know I must;
The times we've loved . . . the times you've left
My heart says stay . . . but it's my mind I must trust.
We have shared so much together
Laughter . . . fun times . . . tears;
Yet sometimes we can't turn back time
We must walk away, and allow ourselves to heal.
I know one day you will be happy
And your soulmate you will find;
I know we each have one out there
Even if for now . . . only in our minds.
May life be gentle with you
May God's best come your way;
And on some quiet tomorrow
You will realize things were better this way.
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To every1 visiting here, with pretty good interests in his mind..Those here to mock are requested to move away...There r better bloggers on this earth, I know for sure..
Any honest comments are for sure invited, as criticisms too..Dont think theres any point in not putting ur opinions across the table, if you have any!!!
Well this is just an my emotions..and hence you may find it very saddist,bcoz mostly thats when u need an outlet ;-) What else.??????? Ok...when u step into somethng for the first time, u dedicate it 2 some1 !!! So well I can dedicate it only the ones, who have taught me to understd emotions, not to bottle them treat life with treat relations with care, and not anger..and to be good within, no matter how tough u seem outside...My Best Friend, my Mentor, my Wellwisher.. and my Good Luck Charm, Miss you.. Funnily,the luck's gone..
So much like Kismat Konnection..
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Shattered Pieces
I pull out my heart,
handing it to you,
"careful it's fragile,and easily falls apart."
Extending your arms,
you take the heart inyour tender warm hands.
It falls into a million shattered pieces - onthe floor it lands.
You begin to bend down to pick it up,
sorrow andsadness in your eyes.
Apologies are not enough.
Looking at you with tears in my eyes,
I ask you not to pick up the pieces of a heartthat has fallen apart.
I am the one who needs to pick up the pieces ofmy shattered heart - one by one, piece by piece.
I need to put it together again,
some how. some way.
Each piece of my heart has a memory so true.
Each piece of my heart has part of you.
You are the one who is leaving to start a new lease on life.
I'll just be here on my knees picking up the pieces of aheart
that feels like it's being pierced with a knife.
All my tears won't keep you
my tears won't mend what's not here.
Again I look at you with a whisper in my voice,
The only way my heart will mend
and finally be complete,
is if you and I can come together without being discreet.
You see, what we have here and today
helps me face theworld,
with a love for you that gives a glow -but now,
my darling, you made a choice.
My heart is on this floor, shattered and broke.
With each piece I pick up -I need to learn to let go.
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