Friday, February 20, 2009

A Class Act

I dont consider my self to be too good an film analyst. Its an unventured territory for me, and for the first time, i will make my hands dirty. :)

i can remember only 2 movies, in my cinema-filled life, that I have gone on to see the first daty first show. First was Lakshya- a masterpiece I feel, but it bombed at the box office(or atleast failed to get into +ves), and after almost 5 years, the lsit doubled with Delhi-6. Funnily, i feel it might fare the same feat-if not for the reputations the movie carry.

Its as good a movie as i have seen for some time. Brilliant story, brilliant cinematography- and just like rang de basanti- it poses a big question to our social setup. Maybe the outline of the story is tried and tested, the theme used before too..but the way the story carries on, in itself makes it different. Keeps you attached to your seats all the way..

Well Abhisekh Bacchan was quite awesome. Hard to believe he is the same guy whose first movies where Refugee, Tera Jadoo Chal Gaya type stuff, where he seemed totally out of place- and look at him now..He and Akshay probably are the bigggest examples of what hard luck can do to one!!!

And Sonam..well cute as ever...Wonder if i can get a girl like her!!! :)

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Satire at its Best..

Ahh...yes..I know making fun of people is not a right thing..I can still remember the faces of my teachers, pretty stern looking: "Never make fun of others!!"..That was something we heard all days, at school and at home. And hence that was what we believed..

As we grew, the concept changed somewhat..Obviously things change as we like it to change, and it changes more so for our own convenience..It became difficult to restrict yourself from a dose of laughter, especially when u had Namunas around you. And there were plenty of them! The new Gyaan: "Laugh at others,only if you can laugh at yourself". Hmm..fair enough..

Laughing at myself has never been too difficult. Laughing at others has hence been easy. Not sure if I have always felt good about it.. But so be it. Atleast I can project myself to be a saint in the case that its not me who starts the fun.. I prefer to join in!!

Well I am reminded of all this since today had a bite of "Still Moving Still Shaking" on NDTV Imagine; was a repeat telecast!! Shekhar Suman was at his imperious best.. I doubt if there is a better comic in India, he is certainly the undisputed king of satire..If anyone had a doubt, look at it..

Maybe Raju can come close, but the thing about Suman is that he is able to maintain a level of decency, and still keep up the tempo. Sure he goes into topics not all would approve of, but not for a moment you feel you should pick up the remote. He has a brilliant timing, and a fantastic speed, that can keep you laughing until you fall on the floor!!..nd a great mimic..maybe he is slightly arrogant in his real life, but the ability to make people laugh is actuaaly god-gifted, and he has done justice to it..First with Movers and Shakers, then the Great Indian Comedy Show..and he was at his best in these 2 hrs..He picked up everyone from politics, sports, MBAs for special treatment..

All the while I was having my dinner,and twice or thrice, i felt I would choke as a result of my guffaw. Thankfully I survived to tell this tale!! It certainly others, who became a source of his laughter, but something tells you that even they may smile at the hilarity of it!! And I loved the "Forward Bloc" part!! Hope I could have his talent..

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life & Cricket...

Why do I love you so much.. why is it that I cant miss a match when I have the raw materials to see it..At times i do not understand. And that time is always the time of introspection. Book in hand, and TV right infront of eyes...each and every IPL match, bang in the middle of exams..Ind Aus series right at semester end..

Why do I open up Cricinfo all day, and just read Mr. Alter and Kanishka Balachandran and George Binoy and dont-know-who-else give a ball by ball report of each match...yes each match..even Zimbabwe v/s Bangladesh!! Does the game actually influence my life,or my love for you stem from how my life is..

Life is so much like a Cricket game..ur family,ur friends are all ur team, ur staff..ur own...all ur problems, challenges are like an opponent constantly in your face..It seemed like when India played Australia a few years ago..No matter what we did, we couldnt win. They were constantly at us, attacking us ruthlessly. There was no where to go, yet you knew you had to move on. It had turned boring for everyone. The leaders and the followers..

And now everything has taken an amazing,if not unbelievable, turnaround..Ones who ruled the roost, are the ones bein pushed to the walls..Doesnt all this sound too familiar??

A life is just a pitch..u r too perform on that, as a batsman or a bowler or as a fielder supporting someone else's role in life..All my life I played on a batting paradise. I cut, I pulled..scored loadz, achieved what I set out to. But it has all changed..Now I play at a pitch that bites, that jumps..thats a minefield..Nothing is easy, every run is at a premium..But the message is clear- Perform or Perish..every good shot i play has gone to a fielder..every good ball I have bowled has beat the bat, sometimes it has taken the edge just to fall tantalisingly close..

A test match..every day u wake up to play a new day of ur life, and everyday u play to make urself stronger and erase the mistakes of past..Some days u will lose, and some days u will win..The result is important, how u play it is even more significant..You suffer blows, u suffer abuses, but something waits ahead..Or as Paulo Coelho put it, ur destiny waits for you somewhere..But you are not in this alone..U need someone..I have stayed put, but my partners have kept falling just to leave me alone to take my life to the winning target. But I am sure i will find someone one who will form that winning partnership with me, to lead to where I belong..Looking for that someone :)

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My First Love..

Here it goes all over every trip at home brings me face to face with a part of my life, that I have never been able to ignore..Its not even that I am mad about that, though many feel so. Yes, I count my days at home, I try to set up my stay at home so that we can spend maximum time together..and yes i have even cancelled my ticket just to remain together..But then why does it all change so soon.

Back to Bhopal..nd Shooooooooooooo..alls gone...College, friends, Bike, Mobile- they have really made me part from my first love. I still see you, remember you; though we are not together then. Damn. I guess I am alone there, no one to unite us there. That has took us further apart..

I have a more interests in my life now- my loneliness took me to heights and depths I had never been, and it changed me as a person, changed what I did for you, changed what all I sacrificed for you..Yes I wasnt the same..but u were the first and foremost to me,and will remain that way..No one can take you far from me..No one...

Not even Football. Not even Tennis. For me its just Cricket..

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Comeback.. many days in oblivion. Lost in my world, and exams and everything..and then a long sleep. And finally I m out of my sleep..nd what wakes me up..??? Well probably the best blog I have seen till date. Best among my friends..or among friends+strangers...whatever.. The fact is it was quite exceptional..

nd it rekindled the blogging talent in me..which in fact was never there. May be it was!! Else why would I create this page..

I am still lost in this GD PI world...its a strange world, unknown people and complicated stuff..Fast changing, loads to learn, and no time to rest..Islie better to sleep, and reach the real and have fun :)..

Here am I, who doesnt know if I have any desire to do what I had aimed to do..and then there are people who never recognise talents; their brilliance makes me feel soooooooooooooo small... but it suits them, who are humble. Its a brilliant world, and amazing people..met one today!!!

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