I dont consider my self to be too good an film analyst. Its an unventured territory for me, and for the first time, i will make my hands dirty. :)
i can remember only 2 movies, in my cinema-filled life, that I have gone on to see the first daty first show. First was Lakshya- a masterpiece I feel, but it bombed at the box office(or atleast failed to get into +ves), and after almost 5 years, the lsit doubled with Delhi-6. Funnily, i feel it might fare the same feat-if not for the reputations the movie carry.
Its as good a movie as i have seen for some time. Brilliant story, brilliant cinematography- and just like rang de basanti- it poses a big question to our social setup. Maybe the outline of the story is tried and tested, the theme used before too..but the way the story carries on, in itself makes it different. Keeps you attached to your seats all the way..
Well Abhisekh Bacchan was quite awesome. Hard to believe he is the same guy whose first movies where Refugee, Tera Jadoo Chal Gaya type stuff, where he seemed totally out of place- and look at him now..He and Akshay probably are the bigggest examples of what hard luck can do to one!!!
And Sonam..well cute as ever...Wonder if i can get a girl like her!!! :)
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