1.) Trip to Gurdwara Bangla Sahib(was coaxed into going there, by a girl I met in my GIM Interview...was really worth it)
2.) XLRI PMIR GD- This guy next to me who dint let me speak.. Somewhere in between the GD I even gave him a hard stare!! But he dint flinch..he had an airtime of almost 8-9 mins in a 15 mins GD!!! My first question in my interview- Why I dint speak in the GD!!! ;)
3.)XIMB- The panelist here wanted to perhaps screw me in my technicals...he had done that with all those who had come out till then..he asked me 7-8 rapidfire sttyle technical questions- SIMD,MIMD, Boolean Algebra, Pipelining, Paging, Segementation!! Luckily i answered all of them convincingly :) He retorted: "Why the hell r u going for a MBA...do a Mtech.." So much for frustation!!!
4.)VGSOM- my Pi was at its last phase. After a decent lecture on why "not" freshers, i had thought only a miracle could get me in.. I dont know if a miracle came, but something happened that changed the mood in the panel!!! Sehwag had just hit the fastest century by an Indian abt 15 minz ago my interview began..thankfully i was checking scores..and when the topic moved to hobbies and cricket, out came the question..nd even faster was my reply(par bht calmly dia, jaise ki it was obvious)!! He gave a shock expression, then smiled- said how could I knw that!! then some more discussion on cricket, and it ended happily, after all the tragedy in the start!!
5.) I found it a sort of conspiracy that each of my interview dates clashed with one of the Matchdays..there was a match on 6th(XIMB), 8th(IITB) and then even 11th(KGP)..The uneven gaps in the itinerary brought more suspicion. Anyways..
I was virtually kicked out of my hotel on 6th..reason ye ki I wasnt ready to leave my room, and my check out time was over!!! yaar Sehwag maar raha tha!!! :( neither was I ever going to give a penny extra..finally had a huge fight with the manager,and I stormed out, saying Ghatiye log, ghatiya hotel..Must have had some strength in my hatred, the match got abandoned due to rain!!!!
6.) Kharagpur is a weird place..Before it even begins, it ends...and when it ends and you dont understd where you are, you reach IIT.. just a few small shops outside, i cant even call it a town..Its like a locality. Even the hostels were so ill maintained. Certainly my first perception wasnt at all good..
But thats the good thing with bad perceptions. They can only get better. The rest of the campus is quite brilliant. Its probably very sad that the most neglected part of the campus are the hostels, rest seems fine. But if something amazed me the most abt KGP then that was its 1072 metres long Platform..yeah you read it right..1.072 Kms long, and I was destined to get a flavour of it!!! Its very unique in its setup- 4 platforms on 1 platform..1 and 2 on one side while 3 and 4 on the other..
Howrah Hatia Express was to arrive on 4th, so that took me to one corner of the PF. And with 5 minz left, that got changed to 3..God!! So that gave me a 1 KM Ride. And it seemed much more, with all the stuff i had..Guess I did the proverbial.."SADAK NAAPNA" :)
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